Corporate social responsibility

All Experts’ approach to corporate responsibility:

  1. Respect employees, by recognizing their values

  2. Corporate governance

  3. Integrity, respecting its promises

  4. Focused on how our services impact society

  5. Recognition and responsibility of the environmental aspects of its services and its operating procedures

  6. Relationship of trust with its customers, seeking understanding and satisfaction of their needs

In the above context, All Experts draws up a strategy and undertakes actions that:

  • Promote a sense of business ethics and transparency 

  • Support vulnerable people

  • Assist in cultural activities 

 Our company, by revealing its social face, sponsored consumables and equipment to meet the health needs of Tinos’ island hospital. Furthermore, All Experts provided services to “Theotokos Foundation” a non-profit welfare organization where special education and therapy services are provided to children with developmental delays and intellectual disorders.