Facilities Management Awards 2017

We are thrilled to announce that All Experts Facilities Services S.A. received a Gold Award in the category of Energy Management & Certification, in the Facilities Management Awards ceremony, which took place on Tuesday October 10th, 2017 in Athens.

More specifically, we were awarded for the innovative Greek Energy Saving System “HotEΛ”, which was successfully installed at Esperos Village Hotel in Rhodes.  HotEΛ is a central operation and surveillance system for rooms and communal hotel rooms. It controls all of the hotel’s electromechanical facilities, ensuring comfort to the guests and consuming the minimum resources required (electricity, LPG, oil, water) to minimize carbon footprint.

The company’s CEO – Mr. Pantelis Kouvelis received the award and mentioned everyone’s contribution to this success.

We feel proud for the recognition of our work.